Sunday, January 23, 2011

Create DataGrid in WPF using code

In this post I will explain a way to create DataGrid in WPF through code. I will use a DataTable with two columns as a DataSource for the DataGrid. I will display one column as TextBox while the second column will be displayed as ComboBox. You can download complete sample from here. My main Window contains single Grid inside which I will display my DataGrid. I will use MainGrid_Initialized event to create DataGrid.

 Inside MainGrid_Initialized event I am creating a DataGrid and adding two columns inside it. One for the TextBox and other for the ComboBox. Then I am setting a DataTable as DataSource for my DataGrid which contains two columns "TextBoxColumn" and "ComboBoxColumn". At the end, I am placing my DataGrid in the Main Window's Grid.
   1:  DataGrid dataGrid = new DataGrid();
   2:  dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
   4:  dataGrid.Columns.Add(CreateTextBoxColumn());
   5:  dataGrid.Columns.Add(CreateComboBoxColumn());
   6:  //set DataTable as item source of dataGrid
   7:  dataGrid.ItemsSource = GetDataTable().AsDataView();
   9:  //place DataGrid inside main Grid
  10:  Grid.SetColumn(dataGrid,0);
  11:  Grid.SetRow(dataGrid,0);
  12:  MainGrid.Children.Add(dataGrid);
In CreateTextBoxColumn method I am defining my TextBox based column. I am creating two templates one for viewing(TextBlock) and other for editing (TextBox). I am also creating bindings between DataTable's "TextBoxColumn" with the TextBlock and the TextBox templates.

   1:  private DataGridTemplateColumn CreateTextBoxColumn()
   2:          {
   3:              //create a template column
   4:              DataGridTemplateColumn templateColumn = new DataGridTemplateColumn();
   5:              //set title of column
   6:              templateColumn.Header = "TextBoxColumn";
   7:              //non editing cell template.. will be used for viweing data
   8:              DataTemplate textBlockTemplate = new DataTemplate();
   9:              FrameworkElementFactory textBlockElement = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBlock));
  10:              Binding textBlockBinding = new Binding("TextBoxColumn");
  11:              textBlockElement.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, textBlockBinding);
  12:              textBlockTemplate.VisualTree = textBlockElement;
  13:              templateColumn.CellTemplate = textBlockTemplate;
  15:              //editing cell template ... will be used when user will edit the data
  16:              DataTemplate textBoxTemplate = new DataTemplate();
  17:              FrameworkElementFactory textboxElement = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBox));
  18:              Binding textboxBinding = new Binding("TextBoxColumn");
  19:              textboxElement.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, textboxBinding);
  20:              textBoxTemplate.VisualTree = textboxElement;
  21:              templateColumn.CellEditingTemplate = textBoxTemplate;
  22:              return templateColumn;
  23:          }
Similarly, I am creating a column for ComboBox

   1:   private DataGridTemplateColumn CreateComboBoxColumn()
   2:          {
   3:              //create a template column
   4:              DataGridTemplateColumn templateColumn = new DataGridTemplateColumn();
   5:              //set title of column
   6:              templateColumn.Header = "ComboBoxColumn";
   7:              //non editing cell template.. will be used for viweing data
   8:              DataTemplate textBlockTemplate = new DataTemplate();
   9:              FrameworkElementFactory textBlockElement = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBlock));
  10:              Binding textBlockBinding = new Binding("ComboBoxColumn");
  11:              textBlockElement.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, textBlockBinding);
  12:              textBlockTemplate.VisualTree = textBlockElement;
  13:              templateColumn.CellTemplate = textBlockTemplate;
  15:              //editing cell template ... will be used when user will edit the data
  16:              DataTemplate comboboxTemplate = new DataTemplate();
  17:              FrameworkElementFactory comboboxElement = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(ComboBox));
  18:              Binding comboboxBinding = new Binding("ComboBoxColumn");
  19:              comboboxElement.SetBinding(ComboBox.TextProperty, comboboxBinding);
  21:              //combo box will show these options to select from
  22:              comboboxElement.SetValue(ComboBox.ItemsSourceProperty, new List<string> { "Value1", "Value2" ,"Value3", "Value4" });
  23:              comboboxTemplate.VisualTree = comboboxElement;
  24:              templateColumn.CellEditingTemplate = comboboxTemplate;
  25:              return templateColumn;
  26:          }
You can download complete sample from here and play with it


  1. sorry your sample code can not downloaded from your given link so can You please forward mail me on my mail-id of sample code.
    My mail-id is

